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the artistic side of a pornstar at Analvids

So I got to my place where Bobbi Starr and Roxy Deville where waiting for me to do a shoot, and what I found out was these two hot chicks doing a bunch of paintings and showing their artistic skills. Let me tell you about these two, these are the cutest girls, and sexy as hell. They got asses that are just perfect. I love the way they move their ass as they played with each other. They took paint and they put it all over their bodies. Definitely a work of art. I call my homeboy c-lo to jump into the scene, and to have some fun with these two hotties. The rest, you just have to see it for yourself, but this time it doesn t involve paintings or art, it involves hardcore anal action. The girls know how to ride a cock, and most of all, they know how to please the viewers. Have fun.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 03, 2008
  • 547


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