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skips class and still gets taught a lesson at Analvids

Skipped class but still ended up getting taught a lesson, thankfully it was with my FAVORITE professor, Mr. Dickemz? He had already got his hands on me earlier in the week so I know he loved seeing the bruises that he left while he was disciplining me this time. To be completely honest, I skipped on purposed for this reason alone!! I wanted to feel him using my little body however he pleased and I just wanted to show him how grateful I was for getting to serve him again. Since I was a perfect girl for Professor Dickemz, he rewarded me with the fattest creampie and then let me sniff the remainder of his delicious cum off his cock only to have him put his fingers up my nose and feed it to me to say I passed his class with flying colors and now I m his TA ??

  • 00:35:40
  • Mar 14, 2022
  • 404


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