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angela valentino s long lunch break! at Analvids

There s nothing like The Professional Woman . She s accomplished, confidant, tough and always ready to be dicked down like the bad girl she s been this whole week. We bring you a bank manager on her lunch break excited to be filmed fucking her first Monster Of Cock. She can picture it in her head. She feels that a big cock in her pussy for a good our would definitely be much better than food. Angela wants what she wants and we aim to please. We take her back to the crib where she can a get a little more aquatinted with a good friend of ours Castro. Castro has the equivalent of a toddlers arm for a dick. Ms. Valentino takes dick like a champ. Now like I said. The professional type chicks are freaks once you get them in the sheets. Once in a while you hit the jackpot and get The Boss Lady who likes anal. YES!! Enjoy!

  • 00:43:21
  • Jan 17, 2011
  • 964


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