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blonde and brunette girls playing with double ended dildo at Analvids

Being blonde means being super sexual, and this pair of toeheaded chicks are taking a break from dick and having some strictly lady time. Sure, they may have their dongs out, but these toys only enhance their womanly touch, and besides, who doesn t love using a double ended dildo with a friend?Lola Foxx seduces the perky Lucie Black, in the bold beginning of this 34 minute scene. The two young lesbians are on fire for each other, and gauging by the way this scene goes, we bet they ll be at each other all day. Lola lays Lucie back on the kitchen bar, and eats her pussy, while Lucie throws her head back and sees stars. Then Lucie bends Lola over and enjoys a long, long lunch. They don t even stop at the end ...Here Black Diamond is back again, proving her cunt is durable enough to shoot two scenes in one day. To give her some help Valentina Velasques is also on hand to share in some of the pounding. Like a relief pitcher in a big game Valentina picks up some of the slack.

  • 01:10:59
  • Jul 06, 2024
  • 38


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