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katja at Analvids

Katja is a real 10 ! When she showed up , I could hardly believe myself . A hot chic at my door . She had cute tits and a plump lil ass . Just the right girl to suck dick and fuck all day . first I had her take her off clothes and show me her tits and pussy . She especially liked that .Then she gave me a smokin blowjob, nice and long . Afterwards I slid my dick in her pussy and started fucking away . We did every position . I must say the sex was really intense and wet and at the end she was really into the mouthful I gave her . She loved the load I shot in her mouth . She played all types of tounges games with my cum and that really blew me away . ENJOY!!!

  • 00:35:24
  • Aug 14, 2005
  • 288


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