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booty club at Analvids

Today we re bringing back an ass that I can t get off my mind, since the first time I saw it. Now you know we know about ass around here, but this Alayah got the bubble butt of all time. This booty sticks out so far that I can play a game of cards on it. Serious ass. The story starts off when we pickup John from the side of the road, after he had a night of straight fucking with some girls he met at the club, he said he was down for more, so we took to chill with Alayah. This motherfucker never had a black girl, and it s about time he crossed this hurdle. So know its me, Jordan and John, we head to the bar were honey is working at..and damn as soon as we walk all I could see is that incredible ass. We got in to the usual ass worship, even though there is nothing usual about her ass. She got horny as fuck and she got into a double BJ with the fellas, it was awesome. She really wanted to get fucked so the fellas double teamed that pussy, and the even got some anal action in the mix, this chick is fucking wild. Fellas this girl is off the chain, you all are gonna love her, Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 26, 2006
  • 251


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