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hot curvy lesbian latinas steamy bathtime anal banging at Analvids

Sexy and curvy Laura Lins is taking a bath, looking absolutely hot with her wet body in the water. Enjoying her bath, she suddenly feels horny. She lathers soap on her thick, round butt and her pink, juicy pussy, and starts to play with her hungry pussy and small, pink titties. Meanwhile, her curvy, tattooed friend Sara Amaral, who was brushing her teeth, notices Laura. Turned on by the sight, Sara decides to join her for a steamy bath session. The two start kissing passionately as Laura rubs Sara’s hungry, wet pussy. Laura then sucks on Sara’s breasts, and soon finds herself on her knees, eating her friend’s juicy pussy while Sara moans in pleasure. The roles switch as Sara licks Laura’s beautiful pink pussy, but that’s just the beginning. Sara grabs a big dildo and fucks Laura’s tight asshole, making her moan loudly. It’s now Sara’s turn to have her big, curvy, juicy ass penetrated by the big pink dildo. They lie on the floor in a 69 position, eating each other s hungry pussies. Laur

  • 00:30:43
  • Nov 21, 2024
  • 2

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