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fayna vergara gets ass fucked to fix her car at Analvids

Imagine a hot summer afternoon, you are quiet, working on your car and sudenly arrives awonderful babes, afraid because her sprotive car is doing a strange noise... As you are a good boy, you offer her to have a look at it. The chick gets out of her cars and discover that she is as impressive as her car !! After a fact look at the engine, you realizes that everything is ok, that the young slut cames her just because her husband is impotent and she needs to be weel fucked by a virile mechanic... So as you are a gentelman, you let her do.. and when she grabs on your cock you understand that this bitch is fucking expert. She blows you as just real sluts are able to ! You cocks erects instantanatly !! So you are sweeped by a savage desire of smashing in her. You lay in the car and she sit on your cock, then you both go on the floor an you put your cock in her sweet little asshole as this bitch worth to be assfucked. She screems of pleasure and you cum in her mouth...
Tags : anal, teen,

  • 00:22:22
  • Mar 25, 2021
  • 39


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