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star date! at Analvids

Here s another first for Assparade! Harvey wrote to us at least a dozen times about his love for the anal queen of porn, Sandra Romain. What first looked like standard fan mail became more frequent and more desperate. We got curious and googled him - found out he s a millionaire in the lucrative oil business and currently going through a divorce. This Texas conservative could use a little fun, we thought. That s when we got the idea to set him up on a date with his dream woman, Sandra. She s known in the biz for her incredible, round ass and intense anal scenes. We sent the good news to Harvey that she was willing to meet her biggest fan ever. They met up on the beach where Sandra showed off her famous goods in a hot thong bikini. Her bubble butt looked amazing as it bounced around during their frisbee game. Things got even hotter over lunch, where Harvey made the hot tub suggestion. Sandra s gorgeous ass was on full display again as she stripped for Harvey and gave him a really sexy lap dance. No way would she leave Harvey with the kind of boner he got. She sucked his cock like he had dreamed about for so long. In the bedroom Harvey lived out all his fantasies as he fucked her until she begged him to fuck her even more.. in her ass! This date was definitely something neither of them will forget! The Assparade crew was happy to make it happen, so please watch and enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 15, 2006
  • 241


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