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navy boy toy! at Analvids

Today was a real drag. We hit up Miami in hopes of finding something nice like we always do. As we re cruising around we come across a sexy stud by the name of Nick, as he s running around getting his physical training on. Sweating up a storm. Steven was drooling just watching him run. Obviously Steven wanted Nick s cock in his asshole. So we stopped and ask if he would like to participate in our documentary for $50. He wasn t so sure at first, but once he got a glimpse of our sexy diva Vanessa. It was a definite catch. Reel him in folks! If only he knew what he was really getting on the bus for. Vanessa gets him undressed and Steven provides some warmth to his cock. Sadly enough Nick wasn t to ecstatic about the idea. Good thing everyone has a price and we happen to find Nick s. Enjoy!

  • 01:00:18
  • Jul 22, 2010
  • 131


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