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el in: submissive asian facefuck! handcuffed throatpie full at Analvids

*Warning - all acts are consensual and agreed to prior to filming* *CNC*

El has been a favorite of a ton of you, and mine. The reasons are obvious, if you ve seen any clip with her you already know why. Each time she gets more submissive, more willing to be pushed past gagging, spitting up and getting so messy she can t even see. Everytime I see El, she asks me to go harder on her - fuck her face even deeper and will say things like don t stop when I first tap, I can take more - I just need you to be aggressive . Holy fuck, if there were ever a sentence that could make me hard, it s that one. El know s exactly what we do here and she loves it. The harder the facefucking, the better. If I wasn t handcuffing this beautiful - slutty little asian, she would be touching herself non stop.

As you can tell, this video is going to be pretty fucking hardcore. El is going to lay back, open her throat, enter her sub space and become the free use whore she wants to be. I push El exa

  • 00:23:49
  • Aug 29, 2024
  • 58


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