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princess donna snatches good girls up in cages (1 hr no pee) at Analvids

Princess Donna snatches cute little innocent tgirl Stefani Special off the street and brings her to her new home, locked in Princess Donna s dog cage!! She is to be her obedient submissive slut, toy, and plaything. Stefani is very noncompliant and needs to be spanked and shoved forcefully into her confines which are then zip-tied shut to ensure she doesn t escape. Princess leaves Stefani to adjust to her new situation overnight and goes out to party with her friends!

The new captive is starving for attention when her captor returns but the Princess is yet to be assured of her compliance. No problem, the Princess has ways to make her new prisoner follow directions! Electrocuted and shocked into unwilful submission, is not good enough as fight or flight activates and the victim scrambles to elude before being knocked on her ass and tied up in western-style rope bondage. Quick and efficient the rigger binds all 4 four limbs of her trainee while informing her of her plans to whore

  • 00:59:16
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 4


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