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exhibitionist wife #191 - tatiana s husband invites voyeur over as a surprise! (voyeur pov!!!) she gives him a hand job on film so hubby can watch later! at Analvids

She jerks off a stranger that hubby invites over! Yup! There are some kinky fuckers out there. Tatiana and her husband met this guy at the beach a couple days prior to making these video clips. He was at the nude beach and they have seen him there several times trying to get a look at tatiana shaved snatch or just jerking off in the sand looking her naked body. Eventually Tatiana and her hubby chat with the guy and her hubby invites him over to film his wife like a voyeur pervert in their home and he does! He shows up and hubby gives him a camera and leaves to see what his wife will end up doing on film as a surprise. Knowing she has her husbands permission to jerk the guy off she yanks his cock out of his pants and gives him a thorough cock tugging hand job! Tatiana talks nasty and is basically performing like a slut on video for her husbands jollies knowing later when he watches that he will fuck his slutty exhibitionist wife HARD! She jerks the voyeur until he explodes with cum!

  • 00:15:07
  • Mar 30, 2022
  • 9


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