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big booty neighbors at Analvids

Life is crazy! When I lived in Iowa my neighbors weren t very hot and they definitely didn t come over in the middle of the day for a booty call. Now that I m in the porn biz and I live in Miami this shit happens to me all the time. Ironic how life is. O.K. enough with the ironies of life. Speaking of booty calls. Two big booty babes came over for an afternoon rendezvous with me and my boy Jack. I filmed it like always. You fans can t complain. I hook you guy s up with the finest ass in this city. This incident was no exception. Both these girls had beautiful faces and amazing bodies. their asses were like pillows. They were so soft I wanted to rest on them. Like always I gave you guy s plenty of ass footage. I lubed up Alexis. It was great to see the lube dripping of her beautiful bubble butt. After a while, Jack couldn t take it anymore and the sex began. This guy was enthusiastic. The girls double teamed his cock. They slobbered all over it. It was great. Then Jack took turns fucking both chicks. This guy was out of control. He popped all over Alexis ass. Nice! Till the next one! P.P. is out!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 18, 2007
  • 387


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