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jason collins fucking a virgin while smoking a cigar! at Analvids

A friend of a friend mentioned to me that he had never been fucked before and wanted to try with me. I was a bit hesitant at first because I don t exactly have a beginner dick but after some convincing, I agreed. He was a bit camera-shy and wanted to completely relax so he decided to wear a mask. It was an incredible experience for him and me, I have heard a lot of horror stories about guys having bad experiences their first time with bad tops. This is definitely one of my more passionate and sensual scenes and includes me talking him through the process of bottoming while being very gentle and patient. Includes him blowing me in several positions, lots of kissing and making out, lots of body contact, him riding me, doggy style, him on his back at the edge of the bed, and bent over. Also, I smoke a cigar throughout the scene.
Jason Collins, jasoncollins, gay, gay4pay, white, german, bwc, big cock, huge cock, bald, beard, muscular, muscle, muscle worship, performer, amateur, nipples,

  • 00:43:29
  • May 05, 2019
  • 199


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