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jayden at Analvids

OK.. this is one for the books... This whole time we ve managed to have straight guys turn into gay men with relative ease.. I mean yeah.. they put up a fight.. but sooner or later give in ... at least that s how it s been going right! Well check this one out. Angel came along because Carmella had told me that he had been starving for hard dick. So I was more than happy to help a friend of a friend out. We combed the streets of South Beach til we came across some ass. He was coming from the water and caught all of our eyes. So after catching up to him and letting him feel Carmella s huge round natural tits.. he got into the van and we were off. Didn t take too long to get the straight guys blindfolded with cock out... so Jayden went to work! Angel was in heaven! HA! When it was revealed to him that it was actually the gay guy that was giving him a messy blowjob, he was incensed! But the powers of persuasion were with me that afternoon.. not only did we convince him to continue with ou

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 31, 2006
  • 110


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