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guy ends up with anal sex threesome at Analvids

Looky what we got for you this week. I cute fit blonde with a tight ass. I don t recall his name, but I remember he needed money to bail out his lady. He was trying to sell her jewelry, but it wasn t worth shit. I offered him a modeling session with big bear Zack, but he was acting straight, I mean shy. No sweat off my big balls, cause he came in the next day ready to work. It was hot watching him squirm as we took him further, and further, until we had his sexy butt naked. He ACTED uncomfortable, but I know he liked us admiring his uncut cock, firm muscles, and shapely pail booty. He really didn t want his girl to spend another night in the can, so it wasn t too hard to buy an afternoon of homosexual fun with this macho stud. I m talking a double blow job, tossing salad, rough doggy style, sex on my desk...etc I could go on, but you should watch for yourself. Wouldn t want to give too many spoilers, unlike how we spoiled this bitches delusions of being straight. I m te

  • 00:57:36
  • Jun 26, 2014
  • 6


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