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aletta ocean is a secretary with a passion for anal at Analvids

Aletta Ocean, a secretary known for her impeccable style and keen attention to detail, takes her job very seriously. She enjoys the opportunity to dress professionally, showcasing her elegance and confidence. However, beneath her polished exterior lies a woman with a secret desire for thrilling and daring experiences.

One day, Aletta s CEO takes notice of her charm and poise, and invites her to his executive suite for a private meeting. Little does Aletta know, this meeting will lead to an unforgettable encounter that will allow her to embrace her adventurous side.

As the meeting progresses, the chemistry between Aletta and the CEO becomes undeniable. The tension in the room reaches its peak, and they both give in to their desires. The CEO can t resist Aletta s allure and takes the opportunity to explore her more daring side.

Their encounter includes intense moments of passion, with a focus on anal play that Aletta has come to enjoy. Through this experience, Aletta

  • 00:26:27
  • Dec 05, 2024
  • 17

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