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failures of a fart boy feat astrodomina at Analvids

If you can t do your job as my personal fart boy, what use are you to me?

You re down there, under Goddess Sydney s toilet with her ass hovering above you. You re strapped down and completely at the mercy of her ass, which lets out a giant smelly fart right in your face. Suddenly she gets up, looking down at you angrily. What the hell fart boy? She could smell that. You should be sucking down all of her farts! There shouldn t be any fart gas permeating the air at all, she shouldn t get a single whiff of it. It should all being going into you where it belongs. What kind of fart slave are you? You re USELESS!

She gives you one more chance and sits down and farts in your face one more time, but you still don t suck down all the gasses. That s it. She s had enough! She gave you a chance and you failed, so it s time to face the consequences. With a wave of her hand you see a flash, and when you come to you re now shrunken in the palm of her hand. She s shrunk you down now and

  • 00:12:21
  • Nov 24, 2024
  • 32

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