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sage eldritch gets her asshole & armpits licked by cleanup cuck bob at Analvids

You lost a bet to your girlfriend s room mate Sage Eldritch, so now you are her personal slave for the weekend. She leaves you tied up while she goes out dancing and comes back all sweaty. Sage teases you that she almost feels bad for you because she hasn t showered in days and you are going to be used as her cleanup cuck. You begin using your tongue to clean and worship Sage s bare feet and armpits. She teases you about how hard you get, despite the fact that you are gagging while serving her. When you finally think that you re done, Sage informs you that you need to worship and clean her asshole. She pulls her thong to the side and has you give her a thorough tongue cleaning. She tells you this whole thing was a set up by her and your girlfriend and that you better get used to your role as a cuck and slave from now on.

  • 00:17:36
  • Dec 03, 2024
  • 6

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