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a kings welcome part 1 a room view featuring karla insatiable at Analvids

While spending time in Fort Lauderdale, I was asked if I was familiar with The Throat Goat Karla Insatiable and it was said that she was someone that I definitely needed to see. It was hinted that she would give King Cobra a run for his money, as her reputation and name Insatiable suggests. Once we became familiar with each other and were introduced, we knew we had to link up. From there it was on! She said she was looking forward to having King Cobra and would make sure to welcome me back to Fort Lauderdale like a King, which is exactly what she did, the result of which produced this masterpiece of sexual satisfaction and gratification, A Kings Welcome Part 1: A Room View, and more to come. Enjoy!

  • 00:42:18
  • Dec 07, 2024
  • 11

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