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jordan starr dominates jack valor bareback at Analvids

You going to be a good boy for me tonight, Jordan asks. Yeah. I am, Jack whispers. Jordan gets on his knees. Jack on all-fours, pulling out Jack s juicy johnson. That s a good view, Jordan says, leaning over to play with Jack s man hole. Look at me when you suck it. Let me see those pretty eyes. It s so big, Jack gasps, coming up for air. As he gags, Jordan plays with Jack s butt. Turn around so I can eat that ass, Jordan instructs. When he turns around, Jack gets rid of the jockstrap. Jordan laps and fingers Jack s backside. I m going to open it up good, Jordan explains. Get me stretched for you, Jack wonders. Whose hole is this, Jordan inquires. It s your hole, sir, Jack murmurs. Jordan s tool leaks for that hole. He spits on “his” hole, making Jack beg. After making sure Jack really wants it, Jordan slowly enters “his” booty canal. Jack gets used to the raw tool inside of him. He works his ass back, giving Jordan an early pit stop. However, Jack isn t fully fille

  • 00:30:11
  • Dec 25, 2024
  • 6

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