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big tit and big butt sarah jay loves huge black dick at Analvids

MILFy Sarah Jay can never resist a massive, meaty black cock. The sight of one sporting a thick, veiny shaft and a huge bulbous head gets her wetter than a summer squall. She stalks the strip clubs until she spots a hung stud, then it s game on. Watch as Sarah, with her big tits and big ass, sashays up to her prey in a skintight dress that shows off every curve. She whispers in his ear, promising to be his dirty slut for the night if he lets her ride that massive, melanin-enriched dick.The big bull can t refuse, following her back to her hotel room.As soon as they re inside, Sarah shimmies out of that tiny dress, revealing the sheer lingerie that barely contains her massive bust and butt.

  • 00:23:40
  • Jan 14, 2025
  • 1

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