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big booty blonde pawg bbc gangbang in the city at Analvids

Kaden Kole reached out to let us know she was coming to LA and wanted to see about doing her first ever BBC Gangbang with The Mandingo Club! This was a lot of fun and a very intense afternoon in the lovely City of Angels. Up to the task were DaVaughn, Dre Strong and newcomer, Major ! That s a lot of BBC....

Things started off pretty quick, as the gents surrounded Kaden then started playing with her curvaceous ass and big titties. They undressed and let her play with all 3 of their BBCs. Major s 10 BBC, DaVaughn s and Dre s 9.5 BBCs. You could hear it in her voice at her excitement, to be surrounded by three tall stallions with virile cocks for her.

They started tag teaming her, whomever was ready to slide in, they took turns fucking her pussy. After a while, once she was warmed up, she wanted to take things up a notch, and requested the guys fuck her in her tight ass hole. At first we didn t know if she d be able to take it, because these aren t small BBCs. Much to our

  • 00:49:01
  • Jan 20, 2025
  • 55

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