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allen king fucks ian torres at Analvids

Allen King says it best -- in Spain there are no real relationships ... just endless amounts of fucking. He d just gotten in a fight with his real-life boyfriend Angel Cruz when he was explaining this, though, who went off and fucked some other guys as a result of their disagreement. So you could say Allen was a little more rough around the edges -- and not necessarily in a bad way. With a glimmer in his eye, Allen described his next move was going to be exactly the same thing!
Not long after setting foot outside his apartment, Allen ran into Ian Torres -- a sexy tattooed hunk with extremely seductive eyes and a built body. All it took was one look and the guys were chatting, flirting, and groping right there in public. Allen took Ian back to his apartment and turned into a version of himself we don t see very often here at CockyBoys. Maybe it was the fight with Angel, but Allen became this totally brutal aggressor -- pushing Ian up against the side of his rooftop patio overlooking

  • 00:19:23
  • Dec 27, 2022
  • 57


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