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arad winwin fucks allen king at Analvids

Allen King was very excited to meet Arad WinWin. While Arad is still starting out in the industry and doesn t yet have the massive following that Allen has, Allen couldn t get enough of Arad s sculpted muscles, dark and handsome features, and his thick cock! Arad was just as thrilled to meet Allen -- he d of course heard of him via social media and his eye-catching body -- but never thought he d also get to do a scene with him on that first day!
Allen got to work on Arad right away -- hungrily kissing and stripping Arad as Arad stood there in disbelief as one of his all-time favorite porn crushes unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his dick. It wasn t until Arad experienced the feeling of Allen s lips engulfing his dick that he came to, fully immersing himself in their undeniably hot chemistry and gradually taking more and more control. He took hold of Allen s gorgeous ass in his jeans, steadied Allen s head as Allen sucked him off, before finally turning Allen around to rim and ham

  • 00:18:01
  • Jan 04, 2023
  • 96


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