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brandon jones fucks himself at Analvids

It was just another boring Monday when Brandon Jones showed up to his solo scene with a bag full of toys. We didn t even know some of things he was about to stick up his ass existed, so it was very interesting watching him figure out how each toy worked! He started with a vibrator (that came with an actual remote control!) and rubbed it all up and down his legs and crotch before pushing it up his hole. It was pretty incredible to see how far he could get it up there, but it wasn t until he brought out a much thicker vibrator that our jaws dropped. That thing MUST have hurt, but Brandon still it up his butt further and further until he came. Brandon s a real champ, and we were happy he put on such a great show for us. With his perfectly sculpted body and thick cock, we envy the guy who gets to play with his natural toys! Enjoy, Jake Jaxson

  • 00:22:01
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • 88


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