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caleb king fucks matthew parker at Analvids

These Montreal boys can get pretty kinky sometimes, and Matthew Parker is no exception! After finding himself in front of a mysterious door in the basement of a sex shop, his curiosity got the best of him and he walked in to find a movie-theater style chair, some porn playing on a TV, and a square shaped hole in the wall. After jerking off for a bit, it didn t take Matthew long to figure out what was going to happen next -- lo and behold, a beautiful uncut cock poked out directly in front of his face which he happily engulfed. With no indication of the man behind the cock, there s just something so sexy about glory holes! Little did he know the cock belonged to Caleb King, one of the most brutal tops in town. Everything about Caleb oozes with sex -- his tall muscular body, just the right amount of scruff around his jaw, and of course, his surprisingly aggressive fucking abilities. And when Caleb finally opened the door to Matthew s room, Matthew knew he was in for a hard pounding! Cale

  • 00:17:36
  • Mar 14, 2023
  • 72


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