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bonus: pierre fitch fucks jd phoenix at Analvids

A Note From CockyBoys: We ve been good friends with Pierre Fitch since buying CockyBoys ago. He was one of the first stars that we worked with regularly, and he was a vital part of one of our very first feature films, Project GogoBoy. Since then, we ve had the priviledge of working with him closely, and developing a strong partnership and friendship with him-- both as a recurring model on CockyBoys, and helping him launch his new website, So we re excited to give you a bonus update from for you, our members, to enjoy! You can check out more scenes from Pierre Fitch s website here! Description: Pierre was in New York to find some hot boys, and when he found the hot stud JD Phoenix, it was love at first penetration! Pierre set up the video camera in his hotel room and invited JD to come over, and from there.... well, you ll see! JD took Pierre s huge cock like a champ. That bubble butt was made to get fucked!

  • 00:28:07
  • Feb 28, 2023
  • 51


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