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benjamin blue fucks cory kane at Analvids

Benjamin Blue has a few lessons to teach Cory Kane and not all of them include French. Sometimes the language of love is better felt than heard and Benjamin is eager to teach his new pupil just how much he can give and take. With a wink and a coy smirk, Benjamin shows Cory that he can take all of his massive girth in his willing mouth and Cory eagerly returns the favor, rimming him for added enjoyment. Things take a steamy turn when Cory invites Benjamin to join him on the bed and into his mouth. Cory’s intense blowjob skills quickly lead an invitation to ride Benjamin’s cock, much to both of their pleasure. The sexual tension builds into new positions until Cory takes Benjamin from behind. Their chemistry escalates as Cory fills Benjamin’s willing hole and the sheets become twisted in his hands as he is left less on the bed, face contorted with . But Cory isn’t done yet and he flips Benjamin over to power into him with his full length. When Benjamin can no longer contain his excitemen

  • 00:18:39
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 139


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