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austin wolf & nico leon at Analvids

Nico Leon plays out a dark outdoor sex fantasy with Austin Wolf! It s summer in the country and horny jogger Nico has no luck cruising...until he goes off-trail into the woods. There he spots and secretly spies on reclining naked muscle man Austin stroking his cock! Nico loses sight of Austin...who actually creeps up behind him, holds him tight and starts fucking him hard!
Austin manhandles and pounds him against the tree and it s just what Nico wants. Austin drills him into submission and soon takes Nico back to his spot to suck him. He gets his boy toy to suck him right back and Nico pleases him with deep-throating. Austin makes sure he stays on it even after Nico has begged to have his cock back inside him. Finally Austin lets Nico sit on his cock.
Nico rides Austin hard and deep and both guys get close to the edge before Austin gets him to slow down. He brings him in for soulful kissing before he picks up Nico, lies him back and deep thrusts into him. Thanks to Nico s reac

  • 00:23:59
  • Jan 10, 2023
  • 99


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