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angel cruz & darius ferdynand flip-fuck! at Analvids

Darius Ferdynand and Angel Cruz come from very different backgrounds, but that s what makes them work so well together. There was so much to talk about. As a native of Hungary, Darius wanted Angel to teach him all the hottest Spanish lines. A short while later, their lips were locked and their clothes were off. Angel couldn t wait to suck on Darius big cock, and that quickly escalated to a 69. Angel was the first to plow Darius perfectly round bubble butt -- first in missionary, then from behind with Darius on all fours. Then the guys really hit their stride when Darius took control. Darius was so invested in pounding Angel that he actually lifted him off the bed and gave him a ride he won t soon forget! The guys both climaxed once they were back on the bed. Angel came while Darius was still fucking him, and Darius blew his load on the top half of Angel s torso -- a perfect example of two hot guys mastering the art of the flip-fuck!

  • 00:18:59
  • Dec 28, 2022
  • 73


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