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thug vs. bear at Analvids

I was out roaming the streets with my home boy Spencer, who kinda looks like Hercules from the old Greek myths. Anyway we spotted this rugged thug hanging out by some alleyways near some dumpsters. As soon as we walked up to him and he saw the camera, he was immediately hostile. We had to calm him down and tell him we weren t the police. Then we had to flash a few bills in his face to settle him down. But things really got heated when my friend Spencer told him he wanted him to suck his dick. I thought a fight was about to break out, until I flashed even more money in front of him. Then he was docile like a sheep and really interested in the prospect of making money.These thugs will do anything for that paper, let me tell you. Homeboy was attacking that dick with his mouth. He was relentless! You should see how much money he gave that ass up for too!

  • 00:28:30
  • Sep 18, 2017
  • 115


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