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the joke s on you at Analvids

So who is ready for another exciting episode of Bait Bus? Today we cruise around looking for a potential victim to get baited into some fun. As we are driving around we bump into Tony a cute aspiring comedian who is looking for his big break. Lucky for us, we have a camera! Big break indeed. So we convince him to help us out with an interview. This guy is definitely not funny. He starts shooting these corny one liners at Vanessa and she wasn t impressed at all. Good thing for us, she is there for one thing and one thing only...the good old bait and switch! All she has to do is seduce these guys into submission! The blindfold went on and the pants came off. Jake was quick to tackle Tony s thick cock and get to work. It wasn t all fun and games once Tony found out what was going on, but a little bit of money always goes a long way... Tony didn t make Jake laugh but he sure did make him cum! Enjoy!

  • 01:03:27
  • Feb 18, 2010
  • 200


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