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the quick and the gay at Analvids

Our BaitBUs Is the best Gay porn site in the world. Every week we get these guys on it, and confuse the hell out them. This week we re driving around looking for a parking spot when we found this cute guy named Cort . He was so kind, and so sweet, giving us directions, so we had to give him a ride. Our friend Elli Foxx was all over him, and when she asked him to be blind folded so she could give him a sweet blow job he was all smiles. Only afterwards, when he took it off, he realized that actually Steven was the one sucking on his cock. Well he was pissed off, but later when we offered 3 G s for him to stick his dick in Steven s asshole he was all cool. Also, we told him Elli was going to take him home so he could also fuck her in the ass. He fucked Steven in every position we could think. So watch it!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 17, 2008
  • 118


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