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confusion in spring break at Analvids

Hey guys! This week we got an exciting episode of Bait Bus for you. We were cruising along the beach talking smack,and hollering at all the hot boys we saw along the way. We found a cute guy. His name is Geoffrey. We offered him a ride back to the base, and he was so happy, he thought we were the nicest people he had ever met. Once he got on,he took off his shirt because he was dripping wet. What a fucking body this guy had!You could definitely tell by his figure that he was an ex-marine,especially with the tattoos on his body. After we knew we had him,we convinced him to get on the bus. Five minutes later he was blind folded, and Jaime went to work on his cock. After we revealed the truth mmm..@#opps,the bus of confusion claimed another victim. Check it video to see SEXxxx!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 10, 2008
  • 74


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