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mike s adventure at Analvids

What s going on guys? The other day we decided to take a really long drive, like Tampa or Naples or something. We just wanted to drive off and see something different from Miami. It was nice, to drive through a whole lot of nothing. We stopped at this reststop so that Jamie could use the restroom. When he came out, he had a friend walking with him. His name was Mike, and he had gotten stranded out there by one of his friends, that left him there. So obviously we gave him a ride. This guy was pretty frisky too. He couldn t get over how hot Cameron was so he kept touching her tits, caressing her legs and all that. She told him she would suck his dick if he let her blindfold him. He took the offer. When he took the blindfold off he was pissed, he wanted for us to leave him right there on Alligator Alley in the middle of nowhere. So we did our usual negotiating right after we calmed him down. We asked him how much it would take for him to fuck Jamie right up the ass. He took the offer for

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 15, 2007
  • 98


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