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party on the bus at Analvids

So today is Jamie s birthday and we decided to throw him a party on the bait bus. We drove around looking for our victim, and we see this hot guy walking. We stop ask him what he s up to, and he tells us that he s going his friend s house. So we tell him
we re throwing a party and we need a fifth person. He was hesitant but the minute he spotted Carm s tits he told his friend to fuck off(In a nice way). So we have this cute hottie on the bus. He s all over Carmella touching her tits and shit. Jaime said he wanted to see a live porn flick for his birthday and that he wanted Carmella to suck his cock blindfolded. He was game. It was on. Jaime gave this dude the head of his life. He was loving it.
Untill he saw Jaimie s face. He fucking freaked. He was calling everybody bitches and fagets. He calmed down after a while. Carmella told this guy that he could hit that sweet asshole if he would fuck Jaimies tight asshole first. He was like, O.K! Easy enough. He fucked the Jaimie real

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 21, 2006
  • 126


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