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babe my reception is bad, call you back later sultry syrian hotwife cheats on hubby - roxie sinner - at Analvids

Cheating wives are devious wives. Nobody knows this better than Syrian diva Roxie, who knows her way around a strange cock. Roxie s husband provides the money, but not the honey and this horny wife needs her daily dick fix. Roxie has gaslit her hubby in different ways but today she goes with a tried & tested classic - the old, bad reception bit. Roxie tells her clingy hubby she s on her way to see a girlfriend, then she imagines the connection was bad and turns off her phone. Of course, Roxie s girlfriend happens to be a 6-foot-tall stud named Chris Blaccwood. This sexy cheating nympho pulls out her big naturals before going down on her lover. He fucks her face and makes her drool everywhere before taking her from behind. Chris has this hotwife s cheeks & tits clapping as he slams her to orgasm. Roxie s hairy pussy is thoroughly soaked from getting railed by Chris big cock. She asks to taste his cum so Chris nuts in her mouth and the horny housewife swallows his load!

  • 00:20:35
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • 2162


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