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brandon jones jerks off at Analvids

Brandon is such a bottom and he s so damn proud of it that it just makes you want to pin him down on the floor and fuck him into oblivion. If you asked him what s his most precious part of the body he ll tell you it s his ass. The way to his heart is definitely through his hole and he expects the top to dig his way up and drill as deep into him as he can. Brandon usually travels with a butt plug up his hole and sometimes carrying a dildo around - for emergency situations when his hole is about to starve and it just needs something more solid up in there. And now, all of us members of, have the amazing opportunity to take a closer look at this bottom extraordinaire and the incredible way he treats his hole to stretch to new dimensions. Pure joy!

  • 00:15:24
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • 37


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