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four fat goddesses entertain a lucky geezer jm1092 at Analvids

In addition to their bountiful, overflowing folds of fatty flesh, Brunette, large bodied lass, Ashley Garland, raven haired, super fat Peyton Thomas, and blonde, heavy honey Stella Daniels, all have ginormous, elephantine tits, which deserve their own zip code. These round and raunchy fat girls are Jay, our sexual Santa’s, horny, holiday helpers, making our corpulent dreams come true, with their festive fucking. After a cheery introduction, Stella and Ashley enjoy some Sapphic foreplay, while Peyton gluttonously sucks Jay’s dinosaur dick with gusto. Then, the girls alternately suck his horse cock, with ravenous, sluttish avarice. First, Peyton, then Stella, ride Jay’s big dick in cowgirl, moaning elatedly, while spiritedly humping him. He then brutishly pounds his monster cock into Ashley in doggie, as she moans and howls, like a bitch in heat. Next, Ashley lavishly licks Stella’s hungry hooch, while Jay potently plows his titanic tool into Peyton, then Stella, and finally Ashley in mi

  • 00:26:00
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • 675


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