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campy hooters - waitress brittney kade serves up big tits and tight hole - steve rickz at Analvids

I decide to stop at a Hooters and my blonde waitress was gorgeous and had HUMONGOUS titties!!! I was in the mood for a lot of heat so I ordered my wings EXXXTRA SPICY. However, Brittney was a little clumsy so she dropped them and got sauce on her shirt! So naturally, she had to take it off or else look like a mess. And then naturally, I needed to bury my face in between those titties and give them a taste. ;) Then she started sucking my cock before I fucked her tight asshole. I bent her over the table and went to town. Then she got up on the table and I fucked her in missionary. At the end, I busted a BIG load all over her tits and she sucked my dick clean ;)

  • 00:19:54
  • Jul 24, 2022
  • 465


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