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enquanto a cliente foi buscar o esmalte, dei uma rapidinha com o marido dela at Analvids

Enquanto a Cliente foi buscar o Esmalte, dei uma Rapidinha com o Marido dela
Today, I assume myself as a Manicurist and a Peniscurist.
My friend, Duda, asked me urgently to do her nails.
I couldn t deny the service, because Duda is one of my best clients.
But, every time I go to see her I get a little uncomfortable, because her husband always fucks me with his eyes.
And this time, it was no different. But he was more daring, as soon as I arrived, he put his hand on my ass and then he kept teasing me the whole time, stroking his cock!
I return the provocation.
I almost couldn t believe it when he pulled out his cock and made me suck him with his wife lying on her stomach right beside us.
My pussy was on fire...
However, Duda wanted a very specific nail polish, because she saw her using it. She decided to go and get it from her apartment, who lives in the same building.
This was the trigger to cause a big fire between me and her husband!
Tags : teen, lati

  • 00:49:20
  • Jun 29, 2022
  • 167


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