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o fiscal da prefeitura queria me multar, mas sou professora de danca do ventre at Analvids

O Fiscal da Prefeitura queria me Multar, mas sou Professora de Dança do Ventre
Taking advantage of my Mediterranean origins, I decided to give Belly Dance classes to women.
It was a spectacular idea, because I have a great expertise in the art and techniques involved in this millennial dance. Women want to learn it to seduce their husbands or partners.
I had to increase the number of classes from Tuesday to Saturday in order to keep up.
However, one day, right after one of my students left, I was practicing... But, you know that feeling of being watched?
But, to my surprise, I was really being watched. And I only noticed when the man knocked harder on my door and called me.
I immediately stopped the music. He was a city inspector.
Some unkind neighbor had reported an anonymous complaint for disturbing the peace, that was all I needed!
But the city inspector, besides the noise problem, wanted to fine me for not having a license to work there.
Well, I had to do

  • 00:59:28
  • Jul 24, 2022
  • 134


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