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femdom babe crossdresses guy into a girlfriend, part 2 at Analvids

The playful kinky femdom scenario continues in Part 2 of this Full HD fetish XXX video as Anissa Kate, that curvy French glamour beauty, straddles her crossdressed stud Mugur and gives him handjob pleasure before taking his big dick into her trimmed pussy even while she’s still dressed in latex dominatrix garb. Anissa may be riding on top but it looks like her “new girlfriend” is actually the one on top of the action as Anissa turns around to ride Mugur reverse cowgirl style so he can put his finger into her asshole.But then Anissa gets the upper hand again as she takes off her panties and stuffs them into Mugur’s mouth, as if to balance out the fact that she’s giving him anal insertion pleasure. Yes, Mugur is fully dressed in corset, stockings, and wig, and butt-fucking Anissa doggie style, even as Anissa parts her pretty pink snatch.After pulling out of her bottom and leaving quite an ass gape, Mugur gets jacked off onto her big natural tits, creamy goo which Anissa then wipes off with her hand and smears all over Mugur’s ass, giving him a spanking before winding up the erotic humiliation with lipstick smeared all over his mouth!

  • 00:18:40
  • Jun 19, 2015
  • 909


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