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learning to serve, part 2 at Analvids

Mistress Zafira returns to her kneeling slave Lindsey Olsen in Part 2 of this Full HD BDSM video, a kinky roleplay encounter between ferocious domme and meek maid. However, Zafira has added something to her appearance: a strap-on dildo harness. Yes indeed, Lindsey has to learn that when she serves a goddess, she must be quiet and make no disturbance. Perhaps getting fucked in the ass will help her keep this lesson in the forefront of her servant mind... First Lindsey must suck and deepthroat the dildo until she’s gagging and drooling all over it, and then she’s bent over on the couch and fucked doggie style in her slave anus. Lindsey spreads her pink pussy wide, wishing she could be fucked there, so she could at least get off; but no, she is being disciplined, and the dildo remains in her bottom, even as Mistress Zafira grabs her by the throat to keep her in place during the stern booty banging. Lindsey is then commanded to lick the dildo after its time in her ass, and next to lick her mistress’s pussy to an orgasm--before she is ultimately dismissed from the room so that Mistress Zafira can catch up on the beauty nap that the fumbling maid had so clumsily interrupted in Part 1!

  • 00:13:21
  • Apr 03, 2015
  • 432


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