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framed for cruelty at Analvids

Mistress Aurelly Rebel aka Kristall Rush is an inventive domme. She keeps her slave Tiffany Doll bound wrist and ankle to the metal frame of an old couch, which she’s converted with some slats of wood into a harsh bed for cruel training. Mistress Aurelly squeezes and tweaks her subbie’s flesh, then she brings out a massive flesh-colored dildo for Tiffany’s shaved pussy in this extreme sex Full HD BDSM scene. Covering Tiffany’s mouth with her hand, Aurelly gets her to pipe down, then she crams the phallus first into slave Doll’s snatch and then her anus, producing a big gape. Next she puts Tiffany into the doggie position and fucks her bottom with the dildo again, as Tiffany kneels in the recess at the bottom of the couch frame. In the end, after servicing the dominatrix with her mouth, the slave is tied into the bottom of the frame, totally helpless at the feet of her merciless goddess--who nonchalantly smokes a cigarette as she lords her power over the sub in this fetish XXX video!

  • 00:29:50
  • Sep 15, 2014
  • 294


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