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service and worship at Analvids

Mistress Danielle Maye keeps her little blonde slave Chloé Toy in a closet, but takes her out when it’s time to amuse herself, as she does in today’s roleplay. The black-clad dominatrix sticks her riding crop between her sub’s teeth, then fingers the girl’s asshole before sticking a red plug inside it. Then it’s time to stimulate the hapless Chloé with a Magic Wand vibrator, before the domme decides what she really wants to do is humiliate her slave with a golden shower. Mistress Danielle has Chloé kneel in front of her, cup her hands, and receive her pee. Then she has Chloé lap it up. Uh-oh, a few drops fell down on onto Mistress Maye’s open-toed black platform heel! Chloé licks those up as well. For a final exercise, a face dildo is strapped onto Chloé’s mouth, and she uses it to fuck her mistress’s pussy. Miss Danielle sits on her slave’s face, and also takes the dildo from behind. Satisfied with her slave’s performance, the domme returns Chloé to the closet until the next time she comes up with another inventive program of service and worship!

  • 00:16:37
  • Apr 28, 2014
  • 248


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