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the secret master at Analvids

Mistress Kathia Nobili has her two humble subjects Nick Lang and Lucia Love well-trained. Lucia is bound by her wrists on a bondage frame, and Nick is made to kiss the dominatrix’s peep toe shoe. But then he gets to suck her tits, and nibbles at Lucia’s pussy too; hey, for a slave, this guy has it pretty good! He even gets to participate in the spanking of his fellow submissive, Lucia. Well, maybe Nick is only half a slave? He licks his mistress’s pussy and her asshole too. Then he gets his cock sucked by Lucia while Mistress Kathia masturbates. Hmm...maybe Nick is really the secret master of them all, and this is a weird head game he plays, pretending to be Kathia’s slave but really calling the shots in this fetish XXX video full of unique twists and turns on the classic themes of extreme sex and dominance/submission! Lucia gets her face crammed with a big dildo, a bridle between her teeth, a plug in her ass, and Nick’s cock in her twat. Yessir, for a slave, Nick sure has got a good thing going, dumping his load of cum in Lucia’s mouth after even banging his domme’s ass from behind!

  • 00:30:54
  • Nov 11, 2013
  • 392


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