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perverted nurses strike! [part 2] at Analvids

Twisted nurses Clara G (in the red uniform) and Lexi Lowe (in the pink) never let their work get in the way of their sapphic pleasures. They kiss above while they continue their examination of strapped-down patient Samantha Bentley, tugging apart the lips of her mouth and even inserting their fingers into her nostrils. They also squeeze her tits and pussy, before Clara sits down on Samantha’s face for a short spell of queening therapy. Then it’s time for the insertion of some kind of shiny silver metal probe, and Lexi lubricates the Bentley bungie and then slides the instrument inside, while she licks Sam’s snatch. Then another long metal toy comes into play, which both Clara and Lexi lick before using it to probe Samantha‘s box before stuffing a plastic tube into the patient’s anus, which makes her ass into a tunnel. Before pulling open Samantha’s mouth with what look like shiny shoehorns, the perverted health providers then lube up her crotch completely to insert an enormous black dildo-like thing into her ass and then her mouth. Is Samantha cured of whatever brought her to the clinic? We’ll let you make your own diagnosis...

  • 00:14:34
  • Dec 26, 2012
  • 228


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